We launched Spellbook, the first AI drafting & review tool powered by generative AI


Way more than just eSignatures.

Break free of paperwork with all-in-one eSigning, templating, and document organization.

Try for Free

Draft, eSign, and organize contracts in a single modern app

Create legally binding documents in just a few clicks and get them signed with our native HelloSign integration. When you're done, everything will be automatically organized.

Powerful, flexible templating

With the most sophisticated templating engine, other eSigning tools can't compete.

Automate dynamic tables, conditional clauses, math equations, and more. Use guardrails to ensure contracts stick to company policy.

eSignature Tool Comparison Guide

Microsoft Word Templates
Rally: Document Automation and Client Intake logo
PandaDoc: Sales process software log
DocuSign: Electronic signatures app logo
Edit Document after Populating Template
Collaboration, Commenting & Track Changes
Auto-Organized Legal Repository
Desktop App
Variable Length Tabular Data in Templates
(e.g. lists of products)
Math and Conditional Clauses in Templates
Guided Questionnaires with Guardrails
(ensure documents are compliant with company policy)
Not fully compatible
with Word
Simple Templates
Salesforce Integration
Modern User Experience
Corporate Data Tracking & Re-Use
AI Document Drafting & Review 

Trusted by over 100 law firms and
3,000 businesses

Arise Health logoThe Paak logoOE logo2020INC logo2020INC logo

Everything you need to love legal work

Stop flipping between Word, email, and DocuSign. Get it all done with one, snappy solution.

Next-Level Document Automation

Effortlessly generate routine docs for hiring, sales, and more.

Integrations Galore

Seamlessly tie into your favourite products like CRMs and HRIS tools.

Stakeholder Management

Get a grip on your vendors, customers, employees, shareholders, and more - all in once place

Fastest eSigning Workflow

Stay in the zone and send docs for signatures in a flash.

Intelligence at Every Step

Rally automatically tracks info about your deals and contacts.

Amazing Templates

Maintained and easy-to-use to get you started.

Make time for what matters.

Start now. Cancel anytime.

Try for Free